Coaches Corner: Coach Aycock doing well, SOFO game time at Walton set for 3p Saturday

This week’s Coaches Corner opens with a report on Greg’s leg injury and Coach Aycock’s heart attack.  Both are doing well but Coach probably has a longer road.    This is followed by a discussion of South Forsyth’s season ending win over West Forsyth.  The attention turns to Round 1 playoff opponent Walton. Doug Thomas […]

Margiotta, C Nelson lead South over West REPLAY HERE!

Charis with her M&D, the renowned Dr and Mrs Gregory The boys in the booth   From Left  Mike Newsome, Doug Thomas, Rich Butler, and Thomas Butler   Notice how in a couple of these pics, Tommy knows where the camera is   😁 The crowd was sleepy once the Senior Night adrenalyn wore off. […]