Best. Trainer. Ever. South Forsyth’s CHOA rep Diane King joins Greg to talk about the new season, show off her state title ring.
Diane King has been at South Forsyth a long time. She was, in fact, working as the Childrens Healthcare Of Atlanta official trainer before Head Coach Troy Morris and and his former boss Jeff Arnette were hired there. To say shes seen it all would be an insult to her vision. Thats why its Coach […]
The secret is out! Ride With Greg is a big hit with SOFO Nation!
With each passing day, another member of SOFO Nation finds great value in scheduling a ride with Greg. And that would be me, your host and play by play announcer for the War Eagles, and your driver, Greg Golden. Ask Charis Butler, whose parents, Dr and Mrs Gregory, rode with Greg from the ATL to […]