Hi everybody! It’s Greg Golden. I’m finally coming back to the surface after laying low a couple of months. It’s been a little unemotional for me through the pigskin championship events. I hadn’t had a dog in the hunt, so I was able to just watch. I followed Marietta to the big school Georgia state title. They beat a Lowndes team that just saw one of their assistant coaches, Tommy Watson, take the head coach job at Lambert. The Longhorns were 0-10 last season. Watson should already be aware of the dramatic demographic changes in Forsyth County, which are examined here in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Teaching the game takes on a new perspective for many who’ve never been around it. https://www.ajc.com/news/local/surge-asian-students-has-impact-forsyth-schools/f91QK1LckSJvy0dU37m1AJ/
I was extremely happy for Andy Reed, the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. His vision of what Patrick Mahomes could do in his offense is only half of what it actually turned out to be. The dude can celebrate with the best of them and the double cheeseburger quote is one of the most humble championship declarations I’ve ever heard.
I’ve been editing highlights from last season’s South Forsyth football games. I’ve also been talking with David Uidell (you know, the fabulous photographer, father of two terrific athletes at South, and a HUGE Michigan fan) about doing some recorded and LIVE podcasts of the South Forsyth LAX teams and coaches. That could be fun, but I’ve warned David that I dont really know much about the game as far as calling it on radio. So may be we find somebody that can do play by play and Ill do color. Whatever, as I said above, it should be fun. And oh by the way anybody interested in sponsorship opportunities just email to me below. Or maybe Ill be coming to you. 🙂
But the thing that’s kept me most involved is the dismantling of my CD collection.

I haven’t touched them but maybe once or twice since we moved in here three years ago. And man are they a pain to move. Bin them cause they’ll rip through a taped bottom every time they’re so heavy. And then muscle up to stack them and haul them. fortunately i have a cart. I’ve dumped them all onto my iTunes library on my lap top. Yes, the same one that got rained on down at South Gwinnett. More than 10,000 songs.

And I’m getting rid of them I’m not throwing them away. Yet. I’m checking with places like Goodwill and No Longer Bound to see if they want any or all. And a buddy of mine wants a few shelves worth to use as a sound repressor in his trophy room. They reduce the reverb really well. Once I move the discs, the shelves are going upstairs to the master where Mrs. Golden has some visions of a lovely display along a long wall. And I will begin to look for a delicious double recliner sofa that I can either recline in or stretch out upon, something that has become more of a desire of mine lately. Anybody in nead of a gently used rocker/recliner?

And finally, the big announcement of our first podcast of 2020. I had been struggling with how I wanted to open the new season. Last year fell into my lap when Tami Cruz told me about the off season training her son Colby was doing. That turned into a really nice opening feature. Who do you know who is working hard this offseason? Let me know and maybe we can get a feature out of their hard work this time! Tell me about it at greg@forsythsports365.com.
What happened a few days ago gave me a terrific idea for an opening podcast for 2020. It started with the thought that 2020 is a solid landmark year. How will I look at that. Then lo and behold, it was dropped in my back seat. I make some airport runs with a private driving group, and last week I was assigned a couple returning to the International terminal from jaunt around South America. They’re a lovely couple, and we hit it off right away. The hubby, Robert, settled into his phone while the Missus, Paula, carried the conversation. We talked about this and that, but it wasn’t until Alpharetta that she revealed to me who she is. I was speaking to lifelong Forsyth County resident and former Forsyth County Schools Superintendent Paula Gault! It was wide open from there. She asked what I did and I told her about this blog, and then it hit me. Bam! What a better way to start 2020 then with a look at how we got here! You’ve gotta be on my show! And she said yes!
So here it comes. My exclusive FS365 interview with Forsyth County legend Paula Gault. Recorded live at the Community Cup Café downtown, the ambience provides a lively backdrop to Ms Gault’s commentary, full of wit, wisdom, and for real Southern charm. I’m premiering it tomorrow right here. And it’s a good one too! We learn about Paula’s childhood trips to Gainesville across the Chattahoochee before the dam was built, how there once was a Chestatee High, and directing the county on and after 9/11.

So please help me spread the word. Tomorrow, Sunday Feb. 15, our opening podcast of 2020. A perspective: My exclusive interview with Forsyth County’s own, Paula Gault. A look back from the future. Only on Forsyth Sports 365.com.