Hello again War Eagles and football fans everywhere! It’s time for us to turn our attention to the gridiron as teams around the nation prepare for the 2019 football season. Here at Forsyth Sports 365.com, we’re ready to begin our second season as a podcast partner with the War Eagle Sports Network, covering South Forsyth football. Once again, we’ll have interviews from the coachers, players, parents and administrators who help make this thing such a huge success.
We’ll officially open the season Friday with our conversation with South Forsyth Head Football Coach Jeff Arnette, who begins his tenth season with the school. But first, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for helping make our South Forsyth Spring Ball feature in May such a huge success. We pulled nearly 2000 individual hits, which far exceeds anything we’ve done here in the past. As most of you can imagine, many of those hits included two, three, who knows how many gathered around a particular device, listening to our interviews, the Blue/White game itself, or the replay of the game. It’s easy to project that we had five or six thousand listeners overall. Thank you so much! We look forward to providing more of this first class programming during the upcoming season.
If you don’t already know me, I’m Greg Golden. I’ve been around the South program since I introduced this start up in 2015. I called those memorable War Eagle playoff wins over Norcross and Tucker behind Davis Shanley and I was hooked. Last season Doug Thomas offered me the opportunity to join the South team and call games exclusively for the War Eagles. It was awesome!! This season I’ll again be your host, interviewer and call the play by play. I’ll be joined once again by our good friend Doug Thomas, the voice of the War Eagles! Doug sits on the Touchdown Club Board and is the Producer of the program. He’ll call games with me on the road, and then announce over the stadium mic for our home games, just like last season.

Joining our team this season is Mike Newsome. Mike is the Touchdown Club Board treasurer, and was invited to sit with me during the Spring Game after he expressed to me his interest in the experience.
Mike knows the game (his son Derrick is a Senior lineman), and from the moment he opened his mouth during our live podcast, I knew he was going to partner with me for the home games in 2019. Here is a little bit of the first few minutes of our conversation during the pre game.
Smooth, insightful, confident. Welcome aboard, Mike, you will help make our 2019 coverage extra special.
For fun, we’ve pulled out a few highlights from that Blue/White game, because we know you’re Jonesin’ for some football. Here you go, with brief comments for context.
Be sure to log on to Forsyth Sports 365 tomorrow for our season kickoff conversation with Head Football Coach Jeff Arnette.
It’s an exclusive you won’t get anywhere else!
From Forsyth Sports 365 and the War Eagle Sports Network!