South Forsyth went into Friday night’s game knowing that their playoff hopes had been eliminated, but there was still motivation because Forsyth Central came in with just one region win. A South victory at home on Senior Night would give South the tie breaker over Central and avoid a last place finish in their GHSA Region 6 6A 2024 season. Sadly, South would again suffer from missed opportunities and lost to the Bulldogs 34 – 21.
Senior Night was a HUGE success, with our broadcast partner Doug Thomas wading through the 70 some names and descriptions of the immediate intentions, and that’s all here for you. I will apologize to the first few band members I might have missed because I forgot to plug in the purple wire which brings the audio from the board to Mxlr. That’s one of the top three things you MAKE SURE are connected for a clean program and shows you how stupid I am sometimes. Trust me, this really isn’t an age thing. I’ve always been this way.
One more thing on a personal note, something stupid that that I did as Mike was helping me get on my walker to slide over to the staircase and begin my ascent to the press box.This one bothers me a little bit. Out of nowhere right there under the bleachers by the field house, a young woman appeared and asked “Need some help?” I swear to all things holy that I thought she was a Deputy Sheriff. Forsyth County’s finest have been there for me throughout the season helping me get out of stadiums. I was totally focused on my walker and as we exchanged pleasantries I asked her what is your name? When I turned to look at her she had a look of confusion on her face and said Greg really? I’m Will’s mom. Yes it was totally Cindy Watkins. I felt about two inches tall. She handled it so gracefully and we had a nice little visit. I wished her good luck for her son and Mike and I worked our way on up.
The next day at my Saturday dialysis session I asked my nurse, Cai, whom I refer to as Nurse Diamond (she calls me Mr. Silver), If she had a minute could she listen. She did and so I told her this tale and I asked her if this might be a sign of dementia. It took my paternal grandfather so I know it’s in my family tree. I mean it wasc Cindy Watkins’s come on. It’s not like I see her at PTA all the time, but still.. And I’ll admit I didn’t known how pretty she is because I’ve never had the chance to just look at her. Anyway Nurse Diamond told me to shake it off. Happens all then tine, she said. She said she treats dimentia in the clinics she works and I’m not even close. So I’ve got that going for me.
Seriously, Cindy Watkins is almost as pretty as my wife Carol Rae. I’m not sayin’ I’m just sayin’. From now on Cindy, when you see me, just slap me up side my head and say IT”S ME CINDY YOU MORON! Hahahahaha I swear I thought she was a sheriff.

Here’s the replay of the ball game and Doug Thomas’ outstanding call from the field mic of the Seniors in band, cheer, and football. It was a special night and these kids’ future is bright.
One other thing: The team has been making fun of me all season long about my cataract impaired vision. So my buddy JJ Brinkerhoff, aka Harry Knuckles, brought me a gift. A pair of visual assistance glasses that actually helped a little. The photos are below.

***For a better ride to the air[port, holler at my buddy Eric Meckes.***