This is a time that can be described in one word: Unprecedented. Everybody has stories to tell about the great stay-at-home of 2020. Its affects are far reaching, touching the world with an alternate reality that will be felt for years if not decades to come. One of the sub stories is the disappearance of sports. Bam, just like that, the games stopped. While the experts began to examine the scene, we willingly stayed home to protect our health system and the more vulnerable among us.

But now, here in Georgia, Governor Kemp has opened the doors. Time to get back out there and start cleaning up, kinda like after a big storm, but with economic damage beyond our comprehension. And as we do this, we consider what’s next in many areas, including the aforementioned world of sports.

This brings us to our first podcast of 2020 with the SoFo Trio. Here is the return of the vaunted Coach’s Corner, the finest high school football podcast in the South (uhhh, Forsyth school district). Here is where you can, with a click or two, GETCHA SOME FOOTBALL!

Who says there’s no Spring Football? Here, Greg Golden, Doug Thomas, and South Forsyth HFC Jeff Arnette are going to turn that notion on its head. Here’s some Georgia Big High School Football chatter of the finest kind. These three sit down, turn on the microphones and just go! This is a conversation for today you can hear anywhere in the USA, only better! What happened? What’s next? Good questions which lead to a few answers and a few more IDKs. As only these three can deliver. South Strong!

Sit back, open your ears, and enjoy the ride in the debut football podcast for the 2020 season. Coach’s Corner is back! Click on!

Greg, Coach Arnette, and Doug

Hey! Greg here. I asked Coach and Doug to send me a pic or two that described the last few months. Here’s what I got.

SOFO Head Football Coach Jeff Arnette

Coach is never too far from the game..:)

Doug Thomas, South Forsyth Touchdown Club Game Day Officer and the voice of the War Eagles.

Doug is never too far from any game.

Greg Golden, host and play by play for the SoFo Sports Network and the South Forsyth Touchdown Club.

The game always finds Greg
(That’s Tobi if you were wondering)

Thanks so much for listening to our 2020 debut podcast! We’re rising like a War Phoenix! And we’re already working on the next one. Coach is going to see if we can line up Coach Morris and Coach Walker to join in. Stay tuned!