We had a few problems in Gainesville’s Bobby Gruhl Stadium. We were literally at 3-2-BAM!  The power went out in our booth!   Mike Newsome was seated next to me and he leaned in when he heard me go Oh Heck!   Everythi ng OK? he asked. Totally dark   It popped back on after about 10 seconds but I had to reboot the whole system.  And I thought I had done it.  Good hotspot connection, solid levels across the board.  What I didnt know was that my streaming software had a permission to be clicked and I didnt dig that far.  So here we are broadcasting to no one.

It didn’t take long however for our pals Doug Thomas and       DJ Mark to let us know we were quiet.  Going directly to the home page I soon found the problem in settings and boom we were live again .

What did you miss?   Fumbles and false starts and pass breakups (between the two teams I had six at the half) and neutral zone infractions and illegal formations and three times in the Red Zone with 0 points by BOTH TEAMS and ultimately a 3-0 Gainesville lead at halftime.

But there was outstanding defense by both teams.  Last year in War Eagle Stadium the Red Elephants had the edge in pass break ups but Friday night it was even.  Both sides contributed to the drama with hurries and sacks and tfls and I’m sorry you missed it as grinding as it was.

But what you do get is that second half.  The one where South opened by fumbling away the second half kickoff..  nBut the defense had a tghree and out asnd then South manufactured three time consuming, ground and pound drives that had the Gainesville defense gaspingLitSpgsB and led to a three score lead.  Gainesville never quit, though, and it’s a thoroughly entertaining finish.

So here you go, enjoy the replay because it is a great ballgame!


I must take a minute here to  lift up a word for Ganesville quarterback Baxter Wright.  The sophomore signal caller was taken down awkwardly near the end of regulation as he tried to throw the ball,  The contortion and contact caused some sort of injury that had Wright on the ground for thirty minutes as EMTs secured him to a guerny.  He showed movment in his legs and waved delicately as they rolled him off the field.  Wright is a fantastic competitor and all of us at SOFO Nation wish you a speedy and complete recovery.