South Forsyth went into Friday night’s scrimmage at Sequoyah with three things in mind. Stay healthy, see who steps up, and play as many War Eagles as possible. They got their wish!

The starters played tough and injury free. The back ups made statements throughout the contest. And the youngsters from last year’s Freshman championship team made play after play. South Forsyth showed that the enthusiasm from the Spring Game has carried over, touching everybody in an impressive 35-14 victory over Sequoyah in the season opening scrimmage friday night at Sequoyah.

The glory was spread around the whole squad, with an abundance of names called all night. So scroll down just a bit, and hear the call from Greg Golden and Doug Thomas in its entirety. Click right or left along the timeline to move forward and backward in the podcast. Here’s hoping you have as much fun the second time around as we did on the call. Enjoy!