South Forsyth Head Football Coach Jeff Arnette

If you’ve been following us since Friday’s dramatic finish, you know that we were caught in a heavy downpour. Most of my equipment survived, including my phone. But my computer has been sent to the shop for a diagnostic. Most of the game is still in there waiting to get published to the cloud. But happily I’m able to bring you today’s Coach’s Corner featuring War Eagle Head Coach Jeff Arnette with Greg Golden and special guest Doug Thomas. Jeff talks about the game and brings his first hand experiences to our listeners.

South Forsyth Head Football Coach Jeff Arnett is still feeling the drag Friday night’s big win at South Gwinnett. His team led by two touchdowns with three minutes left in the 4th quarter when lightning forced officials to clear the stadium. Thirty minutes later they brought the teams back. What ensued was an episode straight from the Keystone Kops series. Nearly thirty minutes later,?the three minutes finally ticked off when a South Gwinnett pass was tipped and fell harmlessly to the ground to preserve South Forsyth’s big win.

Coach Jeff Arnette talks with Greg and Doug about the memorable win at South Gwinnett.