Fall Break in Forsyth County will require some adjustments this year as county leaders moved the start of football season back by two weeks. Two things that aren’t changing are the dates of Fall Break, September 21st. If it seems a tad early you’re right. Fall Break is traditionally in October. The second not to change is the rhythm of the schedule. South plays five, gets a two week break and plays five more. So South will be playing Friday Sept 25th, the week of Fall Break. It’s likely all six Forsyth County
schools will. What does change is football’s families’ schedules. And all that are associated with the program. Ya got a game now that week.
Make sure you look for our next podcast. Greg and Doug get the goods from SFHS Offensive Coordinator and Assistant Head Coach Troy Morris. It’s always good to hear from Coach Dad so look for our headline Friday! Don’t miss it!